Prepare For Your Patio Project
It’s hard to believe that we’re thinking about Hardscapes in January! This is the perfect time to get your brain thinking and start planning for your installation come spring. The more prepared you are, the better and quicker the installation process will go. Here’s what you should be asking yourself today.
Are there high traffic areas in your lawn? A walkway may be needed.
Is there limited seating?
Is there a focal point to enjoy while resting outside?
What are the needs of your family? If there are different needs, consider breaking up the back yard to serve each purpose.
What type of pool design fits my family?
Should I have a water feature or focal point?
What is required in maintaining a garden?
What materials are available to hold up to the ever changing New Jersey weather?
Will children be running and playing in the area? Safety is a big concern here.
How often will I have to repair or replace my chosen material?
What type of material will be suitable for my family to walk on during the hot summer, on wet surfaces, and fit my budget?
What plants are poisonous to my animals or children?
How can I design an area that’s beautiful yet safe for my family?
How do I choose my materials?
What is my actual budget?
Do I have the skills required to take on this task?
Are there experts in the New Jersey area to assist?
Once you’ve asked yourself these questions, you’ll want to contact the contractors at Arapahoe Landscaping. We are the experts in New Jersey that you are looking for, and we would be happy to help you tackle this project. From stone patios, garden structures, steps and pool installation, we’ve got the experience and expertise to make your backyard a sanctuary for your family. Let us help you answer these questions and guide you in the right direction that will fit all of you and your family’s needs.